Warehouse Preparation and Inventory

A distributor that supplies Irish souvenir products to over 600 accounts throughout Ireland required the support of RGIS. The company is the largest supplier of souvenirs to the Scottish souvenir market and have their own creative team that design and develop ranges of product for different markets. The company also creates contemporary and classical collections within the giftware, jewelery and homeware sectors.

The souvenir distributor needed a solution to prepare a warehouse for an inventory count, and then complete a wall-to-wall warehouse count in one day.

The souvenir distributor required RGIS to provide the following:

  • Warehouse to be prepared prior to the inventory
  • Wall-to-wall warehouse count to be completed in one day
  • Count reporting by bin location
  • Accuracy to be a priority
  • Completion of warehouse count during normal working hours

The souvenir distributor partnered with RGIS to complete the warehouse preparation and full inventory project, and RGIS provided the following:

  • Scheduled a team of two experienced RGIS auditors to prepare the warehouse prior to the count
  • Scheduled a team of 10 experienced RGIS auditors to complete the wall-to-wall warehouse count
  • Accurately counted all inventory at all levels, by bin location

The souvenir distributor found by outsourcing the warehouse preparation and full inventory project to RGIS, the following results were achieved:

  • A total of 700 pallets were counted
  • The full count was completed in one day as requested by the customer
  • Accuracy was at over 99%