Supermarket Delivery Check with Dashboard Reporting

A global supermarket chain that currently operates in 33 countries with more than 10,860 stores, including supermarkets, convenience stores and wholesalers, with a volume of 13 million people passing through its stores every day required the support of RGIS.

The supermarket chain needed a solution to improve the existing logistical process with a focus on reducing operational errors or fraud, that directly impacted the organization’s losses, so required RGIS to provide the following:

  • Audits of all pallets dispatched
  • High risk products checks, Truck cargo inspections and process reliability checks
  • Reporting in an easy-to-use format

The supermarket chain partnered with RGIS to complete the delivery check with dashboard project, and the following was provided:

  • Pallets checked for incorrect dock, open boxes, damaged products, poorly reassembled, broken, mixed and unlabeled products
  • High risk products checks included CCTV surveillance in operation where high risk products are checked and packed, identified any variances in expected quantities,
  • After the inspections were completed and data recorded, the items were sealed to ensure no manipulation could take place of the high-risk item pallets
  • Truck cargo inspections included checking the number plate and seal number of pallets, removed stretch film from pallet, all inventory was checked item by item, goods were placed on another pallet until the pallet was 100% checked, variances identified and recorded
  • At the end of the inspection process the RGIS auditors assembled the pallet according to good practice, wrapping it with the stretch film and transported it to the pallet area
  • Process reliability checks included complete blind checks of pallets, reporting in an easy-to-use format, identified gaps in inventory that should be on pallets, removed items that should not be on the pallets, reported all items checked and the quantities found
  • RGIS auditors then stamped the support label with the message ‘CHECKED’, indicating that the process has been accurately executed and was complete

The supermarket chain found by outsourcing the delivery check with dashboard project to RGIS, the following results were achieved:

  • Identified missing inventory and additional inventory that should not have been on the pallets
  • All data of variances was inputted into a dashboard which was easy to understand and gave the customer improved organization and control of inventory data based on the KPIs
  • Investigations could be completed immediately to identify where inventory had gone missing which reduced operational errors